Thursday, 5 January 2023

Ideas for the Perfect Bouquet this Rose Day


Flowers are the most common way of expressing your love, care and respect. Giving your partner a bouquet full of some amazing flowers carries a lot of emotions. It could mean so many different things. You can use flowers to apologize, to show respect or just give them with love. Either way they can express your feelings perfectly. They never fail to express your thoughts. They reach the person exactly the way you want it to. Who knew flowers would become an important part of our gifting lifestyle. 


With the love month right around the corner, it is time to start gearing up and curating the perfect gift for that special someone. As far as we all know, making something adds a lot of value to the gift rather than just buying a gift. But to add that value we need to know what can be done and how to execute it. For rose day, as the name suggests rose you can start with thinking around rose. But not everyone is a fan of roses. So we can think about flowers and how to use them on this day. 

Here is what you can do on your date night with your special someone. 

  • Bouquet 

 You can either go for a huge bouquet of roses or a simple elegant bouquet of dried and preserved flowers. You can choose their favorite flowers and convert it into a nice beautiful bouquet. 

  • Surprise date night

 Plan a special night for your special someone. Go to their favorite restaurant and eat amidst a gorgeous looking flower bed. Spread flowers and petals around the place you would sit. A perfect night to cherish for years to come. 

  • Candle light 

 Go to a nice quiet place and lay down under the stars. Arrange candles and lanterns around the space and spend time forgetting your chaotic life for a bit. It's just you, your partner and this moment. 

  • Thoughtful gift

 Don't forget to end the night with a very thoughtful gift. Everybody likes a gift which involves some emotions. Be it a ring or a book, it should have a meaning and a reason why you thought of that person looking at the gift. 

These are just a few ideas on how you can spend some special time with your loved one. It all starts with a bouquet of flowers. Once you get that right, everything else seems a little easy. 

Here are a few ideas on how to get that perfect bouquet. 

  • Choosing the flowers

 This could be a little challenging. Choose flowers which your date likes. It could be roses, lilies or even orchids. If you wish to get something unique, you could opt for some dried flower bouquet. They look absolutely gorgeous and you can also preserve them. This way the bouquet is preserved and cherished.

  • Storing the flowers

 Think of how your date will be storing the flower. You cannot expect your date to keep 100 roses in a tiny room. So think of flowers accordingly. Dried flower bouquet is perfect for these kinds of situations. 

  • Taking care

Think of the maintenance as well. Whether your date is capable of maintaining the flowers. A preserved flower bouquet is of low maintenance and looks beautiful even after days. So keep in mind all the situations before giving flowers to your date.

If this doesn't help you much then go with the classic flowers which symbolizes the relationship.

  • Symbol of love

 We all know red symbolizes love, so do red flowers. But the one that stands out the best is red rose. Roses are the perfect expression of love. So what better than giving your date a bunch of red roses. Nothing screams love like red roses. 

You can make them by collecting roses, trimming them and tying them together. You can use a nice bow or ribbon and add a special note to it.

  • Symbol of beauty and elegance 

 Nothing is more elegant than gifting your date a nice elegant bouquet of orchids. Orchids are beautiful as well as very aesthetic. You don't have to give 100 orchids. Rather that will not stick to the character of elegance. To have an elegant bouquet, have minimal elements in it. 

To make your own elegant bouquet, select some gorgeous looking orchids. Just a few should be enough. You could add some greenery to it as well. Tie them together and add a nice flowing ribbon to it. Remember not to over do it. Also do not forget to add a special note to it. 

  • Symbol of togetherness 

 This could be a unique and cosy way of expressing your feelings or your relationship. A nice basket full of flowers will represent the closeness and the bond your relationship portrays. These baskets are not very hard to find and not at all complex to make. 

All you would require is a basket, some flowers and something to hold them together.  Arrange your date's favorite flowers in a cute basket or box. Add as many as you wish. Add some greenery as well. Make it look cozy and beautiful. All you now need is a card expressing what you feel. 

  • Symbol of royalty

 Royalty is nothing to fancy. Just a more sophisticated form of expressing your love. Tulips are just the ones which could get this type of job done. They are nothing short of being looked at as royalty. So gather up a few tulips and make a bouquet out of it.

To make it look more royal or luxurious, you could keep these flowers in a nice statement vase or jar. Give your date these flowers in vase. Also write a message on the vase or add a note. 

You could never go wrong with these flowers. Regardless of anything, do what makes you and your partner happy. After all, you would be making memories together which is much greater than any gift. So live the moment and keep loving. 

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